Never any contracts, start up fees, initial fess, or cancellation fees.
Just what you need and when you need it. As it should be.
The most protection for your money
Over 90% of our customer base is on a month to month, monthly pest service. We recommend monthly service for peace of mind and constant protection around your home especially when the season changes from cool to hot.
Price begins at $30.00
Price is subject to increase according to square footage of home and lot size. Any guest homes/casitas or pool houses on property must be mentioned at time of sign up.
**Prepayment Required, see below
Great for homes with minimal pest activity
Rarely see any bugs in and around your home? Consider yourself lucky! With that said, monthly pest control may not be for you. Instead we offer a bi-monthly service with all the perks of a monthly service as we do know that although there may not be a lot going on at your home, bugs may appear from time to time.
Price begins at $65.00
Price subject to increase according to square footage of home and lot size. Any guest homes/casitas or pool houses on property must be mentioned at time of sign up.
**Prepayment Required, see below
Great for vacation homes and rentals
Own a vacation home? Have a rental property? Quarterly service is a great option for your property. This service is not recommended for homes that are constantly lived in.
Price begins at $95.00
Price is subject to increase according to square footage of home and lot size. Any guest homes/casitas or pool houses on property must be mentioned at time of sign up.
Payment is due prior to service or at the time of service appointment
A great option for realtors and homes just sold
Selling a home? Let Provisions Pest Control join you as we offer a One Time Service for your listing. Having a pest control service to your listing may increase the chances of your home being sold. You wouldn't let a pool turn green, right? Well, don't let any bugs show up during a walkthrough!
Price begins at $115.00
Price subject to increase according to square footage of home and lot size. Any guest homes/casitas or pool houses on property must be mentioned at time of sign up.
Payment is due prior to service or at the time of service appointment
**Monthly and Bi-monthly service requires a Two Service Prepayment.
Prepayment must be collected prior to service appointment or at time of service. Payment will be applied to the current service and immediate next service according to service schedule. Prepayment credit will expire if not used according with service schedule sign up.
Our General Pest Control Service provides a wide range of protection against many pests. Specific pests found in southern Nevada like species of scorpions, spiders, cricket, earwigs, roaches, ants, springtails, and beetles are covered under our general service. There are pests that are not covered under our general service and are found under our Special Services area below.
Head over to our FAQ page for commonly asked questions.

Provisions Pest Control services commercial locations such as media production offices, dental practices, bakeries, full service restaurants, real estate offices, tutoring schools, food trucks, and more. Investing in pest control service to help maintain the environmental health of your business is a great idea and investment for both staff and customers alike.
to learn what pest control service fits best according to your business needs.
*If there is a current pest issue that you're establishment is experiencing, please let us know.
We provide complimentary in-person estimates for accurate service job pricing.
OFFICE: 702-726-7731
Hours: Monday - Friday from 9A - 5P

When general pest control isn't enough
Most of these services do require a complimentary in person estimate for accurate pricing.
All current customers do receive a discount for services below.
Bed Bug services are priced according to room size, per room. Depending on the amount of rooms and size of rooms with infestation the estimated service time may be up to 4-6 hours. Overlooking even the slightest crack and crevice can result in a re-infestation. Multiple product applications and machines are used to efficiently rid your home of bed bugs.
Additional bed bug extermination to the furniture in infested room such as nightstands, cushioned chairs, and dressers is available for an additional fee, per furniture item.
Pre-service and post-service care instructions will be provided to guard your home against a re-infestation.
Immediately give us a call if you are beginning to see bees around your property. We can typically diagnose the problem over the phone with a few simple questions, no charge. But if in fact the bees and bee hive is necessary for removal, our Bee Service may take up to 1 - 2 hours depending on location of hive and size of colony and hive.
We do not save the hive and honey nor do we transfer the bees and hive to a local bee keeper. We understand the importance of bees to the environment. If you would like to save and preserve the colony and hive, call your local bee keeper for further help. We are an extermination company.
Do not attempt to remove bees and bee hives on their own. This is a dangerous job and handling bees on your own can result in death.
Rodent control is a monthly service. A minimum of four rodent boxes will be placed on the exterior of your home where activity such as droppings, fur, and traffic tracks are most noticeable. All rodent boxes are locked, only to be accessed by your technician, to protect your curious pet from the poison inside. Rodent boxes are priced per box, per month.
We do not provide interior attic space rodent control. If you suspect rodent activity in your home, we can still help. We refer all callers and current customers to our go-to interior rodent control professionals.
Known for hiding in drawers, cabinets, inside and under appliances German Roaches are attracted to unkept environments, especially kitchens. Having ample access to nourishment whether in the form of grease and grime build up to food not correctly refrigerated or disposed of German Roaches not only thrive in such spaces but multiply very quickly.
Our German Roach service may take up to 8 hours, depending on kitchen size and scale of infestation. Multiple product applications are used to efficiently rid German roaches. A follow up service is also included in your quoted price. This follow up service usually takes half the time of the first German roach service and is absolutely necessary to eliminate any newly hatched offspring.
German Roach extermination for appliances not within the service spaces is available for an additional fee, per appliance.
Pre-service and post-service care instructions will be provided to guard your home against a re-infestation.
We do offer flying insect lights for a month to month rental. This is perfectly set up where annoying flies, fruit flies, and gnats are found within your home. This service is also great for any small gatherings that will help keep the flies away from guests. Our insect light is best placed away from foot traffic and pet access. These effective lights are quiet with a calm blue UV light glow. Trap boards are replaced when boards are 50% full.
A refundable $125.00 deposit is required prior to installation or at the time of service installation. This deposit is refunded upon end of service term as long as inspection of insect light is free of any damage (cracks & dents), broken bulbs or missing bulbs, damaged cords/plug or if light becomes irreversibly damaged, or lost/stolen.
*This insect light does not guard against moths.
At this time, we do not offer pigeon control services. We do refer any pigeon issues to our go-to fellow licensed pest & pigeon control company. Give us a call and we'll be happy to refer you.
Snakes and bats are native to our southern Nevada desert. Never handle these native and wild reptiles and mammals on your own. The correct and safest option for when you come across snakes and bats on your property or in your home is to call Clark County Animal Control or Henderson Animal Control for further instructions and help.
Be respectful of these native dwellers and call the correct and official authorities. Please see contact information and links below.
Clark County Animal Control: 702-229-6444
City of Henderson Animal Care and Control: 702-267-4970, press option 4
For additional questions and information, check out our FAQ page.

"Pay for what you need, when you need it."
It's simple, easy, and it works.
We believe in...
No Contracts.
No Cancellation Fees.
No Initial Start Up Fees.
No Pushy Sales Team.
No Pressure.
Transparency. No caveats hiding in the fine print. In fact, we don't have any fine print. We are available and ready to answer any questions regarding our services.
Proven and Reputable Products. Never have we used products that anyone can pick up from big home improvement stores. Our products are exclusively made for licensed pest control extermination companies and to be applied by licensed pest control applicators.
Honest Prices. Our service prices aren't the cheapest in town but they are competitive. You get what you pay for and we believe in offering quality pest control products and service even if it's not the cheapest.
Background Checks. We treat your home just as we treat ours. We treat your family like our own. With that said, all technicians are subject to a background check that they must pass and be free of any criminal record before stepping foot onto your property. Safety, honesty, integrity, and doing what's right is held in high regard at Provisions Pest Control.
Locally Owned and Operated. No corporate chain with multiple locations and offshore call centers. Just proud Las Vegans who have called this city home for more than 20 years. We take pride in all we do here because you're not just a customer to us. You are someone who we share a community with, who we stand in the checkout line with, who we raise our children alongside, who we sit next to at church, and who we cheer on our Golden Knights with. We always say we truly have the best customers.
Continual Education in the Industry. Every year our technicians continue their industry knowledge by attending classes specifically for pest control applicators. After completion of these courses, multiple tests are given. A passing grade is required by the Nevada Department of Agriculture for all license renewals.